Messy Moods
Song I'm Listening to:
From the Album:

I hate making an idiot out of myself. Course, I don't know many people who do enjoy it, but that's beside the point.

I also hate mood swings. Unpredictable ones, especially. Today I was like an oscillating fan who got stuck and kept on jerking back and forth, making that annoying clicking noise, and spewing out hot air.

Yeah, it was that bad.

Can't use the good ol' fashion PMS excuse either because I've felt this way since the beginning of the month. So I blame it on August as a whole. Stupid month.


So...I got a google search. "For what?" you ask. Oidhche mhath leibh. At first I looked at this and thought what most of you are thinking right now. Whaaa? I thought: what are the chances that I randomly typed something on the keyboard, and then someone randomly typed the exact same thing, and it got searched? I knew the answer could be as easily found as the answers to these questions - If one syncronized swimmer drowns, do they all have to drown? When packing styrofoam, what do they pack it with? If the world is a stage, where does the audience sit? - so I actually thought about it.

Ah, yes. Gaelic of course.

'Oidhche mhath leibh' means 'good night'. The entry I had used that in, I had put 'na h-uile' after that, which means 'everyone'.

Which is what I should do now.

G'night everyone. :)

P.S. I made mad tips tonight. $28.25! Not bad, eh?

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